An image of a child reading a picture book with an adult - The Foyle Foundation school library scheme provides funding for primary school libraries

Foyle Foundation School Library Scheme

The School Library Programme provides funding to improve or establish school libraries.

The priority is given to primary schools up to Key Stage 2, but secondary schools that need books and reading resources for catch-up reading programs for Key Stage 3 pupils and/or transition reading programs for feeder/local primary schools will also be considered. The foundation can also consider applications from special schools for all SEND age groups. For funding from the Foyle Foundation to support young people with SEND, see the Main Grants Scheme.

Priority, and the majority of grants made, is for physical library/reading books; it will not fund textbooks or curriculum books.

Deadline: 30th September 2024

Please note that competition for school library funding is intense. 

More information about this opportunity:

If you don’t have time to apply yourself or need any assistance with applying for this opportunity, contact us at Oval Learning: