A photograph of leaves in a tree canopy - Opportunities for Oval Learning schools to get free trees for their schools

Free trees for schools from The Woodland Trust

The UK needs millions more trees to reach its 2050 carbon net-zero target. By planting free trees supplied by The Woodland Trust, your school can contribute to this important goal.

The Trust is currently taking applications for trees for schools to be delivered in November 2024. Applications for November delivery are expected to close in August, or sooner depending on stock availability.

Tree packs include:

  • Copse
  • Hedge
  • Urban trees
  • Wild harvest
  • Working wood
  • Wild wood
  • Wildlife, and
  • Year round colour

Deadlines for applications: August or sooner, for November 2024 trees

More information about this opportunity:

If you don’t have time to apply yourself or need any assistance with applying for this opportunity, contact us at Oval Learning:
